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The positive feedback from Sri Lankan about HS-650 carton stripper
The HS-650 Inner Hole Carton Waste Stripping Machine is built to withstand the rigors of continuous industrial use.... View More>>
Chaoyi Machinery Resumes Work After Dragon Boat Festival
we take pride in offering innovative and efficient waste stripping machines that are designed to improve efficiency.... View More>>
Chaoyi Machinery recognizes the significance of the gaokao in shaping the future of young individuals.... View More>>
The 2024 drupa exhibition
The 2024 drupa exhibition will serve as a platform for companies to showcase their contributions to sustainability within the label and packaging sector.... View More>>
HS-D30 Electric Stripping Saw
HS-D30’s growing appeal is its ability to address the specific needs and challenges associated with carton waste stripping.... View More>>
Electric Carton Waste Stripper by Chaoyi Machinery HS-D30
Chaoyi Machinery is a leading manufacturer of packaging and printing machines in China.... View More>>
Peak season in 2024
As the number of carton waste strippers orders continues to rise, we are ramping up our production efforts.... View More>>
Chaoyi Machinery Carton Waste Stripping Machines
The company’s carton waste strippers have been a hit in the overseas market, with customers praising their efficiency and reliability.... View More>>
5pcs HS-650 Carton Waste Strippers
HS-650 carton waste stripper is a cutting-edge semi-automatic inner hole carton waste stripping machine designed to streamline the process of removing waste from paper cartons.... View More>>
New Batch of HS-2836 Pneumatic Paper Box Waste Edge Clearing Machine
The HS-2836 pneumatic paper box waste edge clearing machine represents the latest advancement in CHAOYI MACHINERY’s product line.... View More>>
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