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The future development trend of China's printing industry

The future development trend of China's printing industry

 In the next five years, China's printing industry will be in a grim market environment. On the one hand, it is because of the fluctuation of demand caused by the low speed of economy in the process of domestic macroeconomic structural adjustment and growth mode transformation. On the other hand, the change of environmental protection governance and industry access threshold increases the operating cost of enterprises and the uncertainty of long-term development. The development of China's printing industry has entered a new stage.

1. Development trend of printing industry

(1) the industry maintained moderate growth

China's national economic development plan (2016-2020) sets an average annual GDP growth rate of 6.5%.According to the correlation between the growth of printing market and the growth of macroeconomic GDP in the past and the observation of Chinese printing enterprises and regional markets, the average annual growth rate of China's printing industry will probably remain between 5-7% in the next five years.

(2) rapid increase of industrial concentration

The proportion of the main business income of printing enterprises above the scale in China's printing industry will increase from 63% in 2013 and 72% in 2015 to 80% in 2020.

(3) the integration effect of Internet platforms on the market is gradually emerging

Commercial printing is the most active and promising area in China's printing industry. The key to the future development of commercial printing enterprises is to realize the transformation of business model from printing producer to marketing service provider. And the Internet has created a platform and provided technical support for the integration of traditional printing mode and on-demand printing production mode, and the communication of production enterprises and consumer groups.

The transfer of traditional printing enterprises to commercial printing accelerated; The connection between digital rapid printing enterprises and traditional printing enterprises is strengthened.New companies from the IT and Internet sectors are integrating old fields.

2. Development trend of printing equipment and equipment manufacturing industry

How to seize the opportunities provided by China's economic transformation and technological progress, give play to the advantages of local manufacturing industry to get close to the market and understand the demand, and stick to technological innovation based on professional focus will become the main feature of the future development of China's printing equipment and equipment manufacturing industry.

(1) printing equipment manufacturing industry

Intelligent post-press system, ink - jet printing equipment, environmental - friendly gravure printing equipment will become the hot point of future development.However, taking full advantage of the opportunities provided by the huge domestic printing market, being good at discovering a "pain point" in the industrial processing chain, and concentrating resources and devoting all efforts to solve the "pain point" will be an effective way for local printing equipment manufacturers to transform and upgrade.

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